I've been playing catchup since I started #NaNoWiMo (National Novel Writing Month)
Morozov Bay has been an absolute mystery as I've written.
This is one of those novels that is writing itself. The characters demand what they want and I have very little choice. :) I have to admit I love bossy characters.
I know this book will not be done at 50,000 it feels much larger.
We pulled up to Montego Bay in Roatan and the book started writing itself. I had three pages of notes that appeared on my tablet as I stared out on this paradise.
I managed to get 500 words while on my first cruise with my hubby. It was the 1st of November and he did willingly go take a nap. Traveling home and getting back into the swing of things did cause a few days no writing. This last week has giving me the word count I need to catch up.
I'll be visiting Montego Bay again next September and hope to have the novel completed. Maybe I’ll go take some pictures.